Wed 19.Dec.2012
Rhodes, Greece

People here and elsewhere are having fun with the alleged end of the world this Friday, so here is my two euro-cents worth. If the world ends, does the moon go with it? What about Mars? Saturn? The massive black hole at the center of the galaxy (a.k.a. Sag A*)?

And how does all this square with Conservation Of Mass? Does the world's mass remain? Then isn't the world still here? Or does it become energy? If that much mass converts to energy all at once, it could have a solar-system wide impact.

Most important... if the world ends, is anybody throwing an after-party? It isn't like you get the chance every day.
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I've posted a few pictures of tunnels through the city wall, connecting the moat to the town. By contrast, this tunnel runs inside the wall, connecting to a bastion that serves now as a the ticket office for the Melina Mercouri Amphitheater a little further along the moat.

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Where is our luminous light in this picture? Up above the cloud cover, sorry to say. The table cats were still irresistable.

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This pebbling of the streets is not an ancient practice. The ancient residents of the city depended on horses for transport. This pebble-paving would have destroyed their hooves in short order. Like so much else that is romantically picturesque here, the pebbled streets came from the Italians in the first half of the twentieth century.

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This sign points toward these ruins; I don't know whether they the ancient or the Hellenistic.

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A designer friend was talking recently about green roofs. This isn't what she meant, but it will have to do.

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Two bus stops in different parts of town.

The solstice is almost apon us.
Everybody have a good one if I don't check in again before then.
Or even if I do.

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All content copyright 2012 Jeff Bulf