Thu 06.Dec.2012
Rhodes, Greece

A week in to a chilly December, my host has installed a wood stove in the covered patio. Haven't tested it myself yet, but the thought is good, and the old stove has class.
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The low winter sun casts moody shadows across the streets and houses, accenting the contrast with the hot, busy bustle of Summer. This is the season for reflection and well, mood in imagery.

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Remember, the square towers are the older ones. After cannon were developed, defensive towers became round. It requires a much more precise hit to damage a round tower; off-center hits just glance off.

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Did I say this is the season of reflection? Yes, this way too!

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One of my neighbors says she likes to imagine pictures in the clouds. No harm in that. Here is a Turkey-shaped cloud. I'd make more of that if the offshore islands were also visible.

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Multi culture in the pale light of a cloudy evening. A newly-risen Christmas decoration, and a still-functioning minaret, though I have never heard the call to prayer from it. Church and state are not separate in Greece. The competition is allowed to exist, but they keep a low profile.

Yes, so help me, this is pronounced "Hobbit". Greek doesn't have a letter for the "b" sound, so the combination "mp" represents it.

Waitaminnit! If there is no "b" in Greek, what is beta for? Glad you asked; beta is "v", and the one that looks like "v" is "n". Clear as mud?

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This little table has so much character, sitting there in front of its wall. I could take variations on the same photo of it all afternoon.

We never did see Queen Elizabeth this week. Rather than wait for the weather in Rhodes, she sailed on to keep a date in Istanbul. We did get two big ones yesterday, though; that is Aurora looming over the little pedestrian gate.

Acknowledgment: this page's title is a pun on Neil Gaiman's wonderful Sandman tales.

Next: Traffic-free Rhodes
Prev: December Arrives, Winter Approaches -- Up: Table of Contents

All content copyright 2012 Jeff Bulf