Sun 18.Nov.2012
Rhodes, Greece

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A page o' pix! All ready to go, except... no words.

I could pull a 50's existentialist theater, and go on about having nothing to say this evening, but my heart is with Tom Lehrer: "If people have nothing to say, the least they can do is shut up."

So this one will be laconic.
Or mainly visual; take your pick.

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The Thursday Market

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Walking home.
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Entering and ...

... emerging from the Red Gate.

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The T-junction of Pythagoras and Homer Streets.

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Homer Street ...

We are almost home.

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Forewarned is fore-armed ...

... but an octopus is eight-armed!

Protect your cephalopodian investment!

Keep your octopus shiny as new, with the genuine Octopus Duster!!!

Next: Thanksgiving Day
Prev: Cold Rain & Hot Soup -- Up: Table of Contents

Contents Copyright 2012 Jeff Bulf