Sun 05.Jun.2011
Buchwald, Saxony, Germany

Enough of the Right Bank for now. I am already several days in Germany, so let's wrap Paris up with a couple of pages from South of the River Seine.
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This spot near the Pantheon used to be a tiny mom-and-pop French restaurant, run by as sweet an eldery couple as you could ask to be served by. And gourmet quality, as my cousin Don and I discovered years ago on a night of serendipitous wandering.

I hope the Lebanese folks are putting the same heart into the place.

The little wine bar across the street looks alive and well.

From there, let's stroll toward Place de la Contrescarp along
Rue Descartes
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A colorful enough street, culinarily speaking.

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I don't know what a hurling pub is either, but I don't want the job of cleaning it at the end of the week.

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Truth in presentation: this asian take-out place is actually back on Rue Daguerre. It fits here thematically, and makes the page layout much cleaner than trying to shoehorn it in with the rest of Rue Daguerre below.

Jardin des Plantes
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This style of iron fence with the gilded spikes on top always looks very French to me.

Rue Daguerre
Back in the home base neighborhood for the rest of the page.
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You tell 'em, guys!

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Contents Copyright 2012 Jeff Bulf