Wed 08.Jun.2011
Buchwald, Vogtland, Germany

If this and the previous page were all a single page, I would re-order the sections to put them in chronological - or at least geographical - order. As it is, we are bouncing around the south side of the Seine.

Place Luxembourg
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The Montparnasse Cemetary. The tombs seem to be mostly above ground.

A flea market of art and old books in Place St. Sulpice. Some of the books in the tent-like stalls had publication dates is the 1600's, more were 1800's.

When I saw the asking price on the older books, I doubted that it was right to be handling them.

Do any other Bay Area folks remember these posters from the mid-1960's? I grinned at seeing them amidst all the antiquities.

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Place d'Alesia near the southern edge of the city.

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"An argument is an intellectual process, while contradiction is just the automatic gainsaying of anything the other person says."

The Pantheon

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St Etienne du Mont, right behind the Pantheon.

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St. Etienne du Mont interior.

Nearby, Place de la Contrescarpe

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In the Place, an ordinary lamp post in some unusual light.

That is it for Paris. After a week in remote eastern Germany, I have pictures from here too. See you soon.

Next: The Middle of Saxon Nowhere
Prev: South of the Seine -- Up: Index

Contents Copyright 2012 Jeff Bulf