Thu 31.Mar.2022
Paris, France
Imagery - Feb 2022

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Where to meet famous dead people in Paris?
Montparnasse Cemetery, for one.

Once I found poet Charles Baudelaire there.

Writers Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre actually share a grave.

Not this one though, this is just some picturesque view.

This visit I found twentieth-century playwrite Eugene Ionesco.

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Mathematician Henri Poincare shares a family grave with his kin.

A more or less anonymous scupltor has the misfortune of sounding like a twentieth-century movie star, to the apparent chagrin of his living heirs.

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Crossing the Seine on a bright chilly day, at the Pont d'Austerlitz.

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The Green Coulee

The Coulée verte - aka Promenade plantée, an elevated linear park that arcs across the 12th Arrondissment on the route of a former rail line.

I hope to explore it better on a future visit - perhaps walk its length from Place de la Bastille out to the Bois de Vincennes on the southeastern edge of the city.

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Cafe sitting - that eternal joy of Paris.

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The 14th Arrondissment.

An anonymous old buildng on Boulevard Raspail.

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Place Denfert-Rochereau, with its striking lion, from the sculptor who did the Statue of Liberty.

My hotel this time, just off Denfert-Rochereau, near the pedestrian market street of Rue Daguerre. Since I discovered this neighborhood, I have made it my home base on visits to Paris.

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In February -
rain puddles come with the territory.

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All content copyright 2022 Jeff Bulf