Sat 12.Dec.2009
Paleohora, Crete, Greece
sunrise over sea, and balcony wall, reflected in sliding doornested rainbows overr sea in front of an arm of the White Mts
The Sun's back! The Sun's front too. That's the way stars are built.

Two rainbows over whatever that peninsula is named.

So I've been here close to two weeks; let's get out and look for some pictures I haven't posted at least once already.

light on puddles on main street of small townsunlit two-storys reflected in street puddle
After a rain, the main street of the little town is an adventure to walk in sandals.

(So much for new stuff; I know I've mentioned that before,)
embossed stucco balcony wall above bare tree branchclosed blue double door in off-white wall
silhouette of couple against seasun on large tree trunk
ocean waves with windswept crestlow-lighted beach sand, walked--in
Across town at Sandy Beach. (Remember, my digs are on the Rocky Beach side of the little peninsula.)
brightly-painted lifeguard chair, vacantdefalt alt textpotted plants, green leaves, red & yellow flowers

defalt alt textshiny blue car hood reflecting palm treedefalt alt text
There we are. YA batch of photos.

I'm leaving Monday for Rhodes (it's Saturday night now, a tame affair in Paleohora in Winter), via an Afternoon in Hania and evening in Iraklio because the ferry sails from there at the ungodly hour of 5:50am.

Rodhos again?! It is a nice enough destination. I have a room lined up in the old town for a great monthly rate - always an incentive when you travel on Social Security - with wi-fi and food/cafe/bar downstairs. Now if only the bar isn't too noisy nights.

While I have been proofreading this post, the power just went out. Everywhere in sight on the main drag and the  cross street. Including the power to the wi-fi hub. My computer just griped that it can't find the net and will I please review my settings. Oh well. Either it comes back tonight or I upload tomorrow. See y'all whichever way. Good ole Greek power struggles.

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Contents Copyright 2012 Jeff Bulf