Sat 19.Dec.2009
Rhodes Town, Greece

Canon Bawl
My trusty, long-serving, hard-working Canon Powershot has gone lame on me. Cataracts - more likely scratches - in the lens, bad smudges in the pictures. So out to pasture it goes, with appreciation for long plentiful service.

This post is the first flight of my new Olympus (Oh jeez - what else in Greece?) X-930 point-'n-shoot.
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A room with a view, out my window at The Walk Inn on Dorieos Square in the old town.  Taking shameless advantage of one of today's few flashes of sunlight. A sub-optimal day to test a camera, but that is what we have.

I love the names in this place; the square feeds through a gate on the south side to Homer Street (Odos Omirou), on the west side is Saint Fanourios (Odos Agiou Fanouriou ). I can march down to Fanourio, so to speak, at a moment's notice if I choose. From the north and east, you get here through Plato and Sophocles Streets.

Homer, Sophocles and Fanourios are paved with large pebbles (sadly without embedded mosaics). Plato is a significant commercial street, paved with flat stone blocks.  The pebble paving is useful when it rains; the water runs  between the pebbles, allowing some degree of traction on the tops of them.

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A walk at dusk down to the front gate and the harbor.

That is Jupiter setting over the left guard tower. Venus is doing morning star duty right now.
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Indoor Language Fun.
Broccoli is just recognizable through the filter of language and alphabet.

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Contents Copyright 2012 Jeff Bulf