Tue 26.Oct.2021

I am in Rhodes again, sitting on a bunch of Malta pictures.

For starters tonight,
A bit of sign spotting around the island
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Does anybody want to guess what this restroom is trying to tell us?

You need to be Handicapped or desperate?

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Schrödinger's Doorway

Anybody out there understand Maltese?
I'm guessing something like "Leave li'l Fido outside."

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I just googled, and so help me, there are hedgehogs in Malta!

"There are 17 different species of hedgehog around the world, but the only one found in the Maltese Islands is the Algerian hedgehog."

Apparently, they drive slowly.

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If you have ever wanted to present religion as a shipwreck, here is your evidence.

Says Wikipedia:
The Acts of the Apostles tell the story of how Paul the Apostle was shipwrecked on an island which Chapter 28 identifies as Malta while on his way to Rome

The wreck is said to have happened on an uninhabited off-shore rock.

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Marsaxlokk cultivates its reputation as a fishing village.

The next bay to the south holds the country's largest container port.

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Sundown over Valletta at the Barrakka Gardens
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All content copyright 2021 Jeff Bulf