Fri 06.Aug.2021
Vienna, Austria and Valletta, Malta

OK, It is Sign Spotting Night here at $HOME On The Road.
The ultimate round of Rhodes pix has been pre-empted by the mass of signspots that jumped out at me in the week after I left.

On with it!

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The dance studio for moving and feeling good.

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Not a sign exactly - a most unusual street lamp.

A name-branded port-a-pot.

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Do murals count as signs?
This one does tonight!

Vienna has a talent for street names that I like the sound of.

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Tow-away happens here.

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At a sidewalk cafe:

Please have a document ready!
Thank you

No comment.

Valletta, Malta
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"You can't fight in" at least one of these.

Friendly and cheerful.
I have been taking brunch here lately.

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Note to self: find out how to pronounce Marsaxlokk, before I leave Malta.

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Malta is a former British colony, so street signs (and many others) have English subtitles.

The Maltese language is actually Semitic. It is interesting how European (perhaps Spanish?) names map onto Maltese spelling and pronoounciation.

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Prev: Rhodes Penultimate -- Up: Table of Contents

All content copyright 2021 Jeff Bulf