Thu 12.Jul.2012
Paris, Plauen, and Ljubljana

The monsoon season has slowed my rate of picture taking, and for that matter you have already seen a lot of the obvious Bratislava sights in the past few years. Meanwhile I still have about a page worth of flashback pictures from mid May to mid June, when I was in about six places for a few days each.

Today's bill of fare:
* Paris the second time through, between Spain and Germany
* Plauen my destination in Germany, site of the Grateful Deadhead gathering.
* Ljubljana after Nürnberg and Salzburg, the third stepping stone to Croatia after the Plauen gathering.

Paris Again
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Paris is not a destination this time - just a stepping stone, because eastern Germany is too far from southwestern Spain to do as a single push.

What a great name for a bar; when something screws up, you can say, "Let's go back to Plan B!".

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Pit stop at an autobahn rest area in eastern Franken, climbing the gently rolling, but steadily rising hills toward the former iron curtain, and beyond it, Saxony.

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Brokedown Palace
A name some of us have given this old abandoned building in Plauen, near the restored medieval malting house (Malzhaus), the now-thriving eatery and cultural center where we gather each year.

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At the Malzhaus, potted plants decorate the exit to ...
... the Beer Garden, which looks down a green wooded hillside. A huge amount of Germany outside the cities looks like this.

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After the weekend, some of us stopped for lunch together at a country inn, where I found this pond in the garden.

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Somehow I had a case of the blahs in Ljubljana this year.

Rather than pass them on to you, I'll let this ever-charming city speak for itself.

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This shade of pink appears to have been a popular color for buildings in Habsburg times. Any city that used to be in the Austro-Hungarian Empire will have its share of them.

Not all such buildings are as intricately painted as in downtown Ljubljana.

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Contents Copyright 2012 Jeff Bulf