Mon 09.Jul.2012
Bratislava, Slovakia

Two weeks in Bratislava, and settling in. Three of my once-regular wi-fi cafe hangouts have vanished, two of them since last year, and a fourth appears doomed. Life goes on though. I am typing now from a bookstore / cafe near the university, that I don't think was here last year.
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I don' know why this sign goes out of its way to specify meat. It is nowhere near the few vegetarian and indian restaurants, up around the university. Why the sign is in English, not Slovak, is an easier guess; it is in the heart of the old town tourist zone.

Don't say I never showed you anything useful. The next time you need an amazing everyday spoločenská like never before, here is where to look for it.

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Afternoon, waiting for a tram at a stop near my apartment.

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A rather characterless tourist cafe on a corner of Main Square in the old city.

An interloper: this lovely bush is in the Burgpark in Vienna.

The Burgpark is adjacent to the vast greenhouses of the old Austrian imperial palace (the Hofburg). I assume the park was a private imperial garden.

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One last shot of the fountain / skylight from the page before this one. We've seen the subject already, but I like this as a picture.

The cafe part of the bookstore / cafe that has become my regular wi-fi away from home.

I went up to the mall yesterday looking for room fans. Found them too, and for €100  a pop, they can remain right there thank you.
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To my surprise, to say nothing of entertainment, some corridors in the mall have been taken over by colorfully painted bears from many countries, I gather by amateur artists.

Two years ago, when my friend Barbara joined me in England, we found similarly painted lions all around the city of Bath. Inexplicably, I find that I did not post a single picture of those Lions in Bath. Mea culpa!.
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I'll not make that same mistake here.

That is Bratislava castle on the Slovakia bear's belly.

The monsoon season appears to have arrived unnecessarily early. Mid-July would have been average, early August within specs. But no, a week into July, here we are with sudden rains and thunder, temperatures in the 20's instead of 30's (70 to low 80's °F instead of 90+ °F)... and still the steenkin humidity, the one part of summer I would gladly have exchanged for something useful.
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See that bright band of sunlight across the palace of justice there? Nothing wrong with that...

... 'cept that it is raining solid!

BTW, that is my apartment building, across the street to the right of the Palace of Justice. My window is just out of view to the right.

Hope everybody is having a great summer!
You guys in Rodos (you know who you are!), hang on to that summer heat and sun, and save some for me when I arrive in September.

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Contents Copyright 2012 Jeff Bulf