Mon 20.Jun.2011
Kutna Hora, Czech Republic

Getting There
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The long train ride from Hamburg is at least scenic.

Even the homely Prague main station can have a certain grandeur from a train window.

Being Here
I had a rather rocky arrival in Kutna Hora, missing a connection into town from the outlying station, having a very hard time finding lodging despite the best efforts of the nice girl at the tourist office, and losing my watch and guidebook. (I found them two days later; I'd left them at the tourist office.)
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Nontheless, the town is nice enough. There is coffee available with wi-fi; I am there now even as I type.

Goodness knows there are nice panoramas from the hilltop over the creek.

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Down by the creek is a large park area. It is a treat to re-discover how lush and green the Bohemian countryside is.

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More of that park.

Whoa... what is that up there on the hill top!?.

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My tourist map calls it St. Barbara's Cathedral. Let's give it a closer look.

OK, after we finish being distracted by this wisteria-like waterfall of leaves ...

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... and the creek at the bottom of the bluff.

St. Barb must have had some serious admirers!
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These flying buttresses look like they flew Jefferson Airplane.

I got some pictures today of the inside of St. Barb's. They should show up in a post in the near future.

Next: Saint Barb and the Bucolic Valley
Prev: Around Hamburg -- Up: Index

Contents Copyright 2012 Jeff Bulf