Sat 21.Aug.2010
Košice, Slovakia
You didn't miss anything . For reasons too long to go into, I'm putting up Košice three before two.

Where are we again? Košice (ko-SHEE-tse).
The major city of East Slovakia - an arguable oxymoron, but here we are. Slovakia's second city and, like Bratislava, right at the point where the vast central Danube plain meets the foothills of the Carpathian mountains. But about 400 km east of Bratislava. As Lonely Planet puts it "20 km north of Hungary, 90 km south of Poland, and 80 km west of Ukraine".
striped dome of the state philharmonic evening light on gothic church tower
From my window on the third floor (US-style counting) of the K2 Tourist Hostel, I can see this dome on the State Philharmonic building.

They seem to be closed up. Winter is symphony season in Central Europe. Indoor activitiies have an edge here in winter.

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The Musical Fountain
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Main Street
Really! Hlavna Ulica!
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The Plague Column

Many cities have these, commemorating the victims of the great plague of medieval times. Vienna's is elaborate beyond describing.
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