Fri 20.Aug.2010
Košice, Slovakia
I think this is my first post in these wanderings from someplace that starts with a K.

thiord-floor view of street with crossingsun on terrace chair cushions
A view from my window at the dawn's early light.

The wi-fi enabled cafe around the corner in the afternoon.

 Friendly, but with a drawback for my purposes. Whoever set up their wi-fi router left it with  the manufacturer's default network name. Somebody else nearby did the same. When the nearbybodies turn on their router, I lose my connection in the confusion. So I depend more on the caffe on the square where I am now.

building with that painted on sidegraffito with face: John Lennon / 9.X.1940 / 8.XII.1980
For the record, not all of Slovakia is beautiful renaisance squares and such. The cheap parts of town are often pretty homely, though the high rises are usually painted and sometimes washed.

These walls are on my walk into the town center.

The tall text says A PLACE FOR YOUR AD.
Europe's Easternmost Gothic Cathedral
ornate gothic churchdefault alt text
Who'da thunk Europe had an easternmost gothic cathedral. My guideboook  says this is it: St Elizabeth's in Košice. I forget how to spell it in Slovak.

For a fee, you can climb an incredibly narrow spiral stone stair up that domed tower. It'll make you appreciate Albus Dumbledore's spiral stone escalator, I have no doubt.

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Detail of a small column on the cathedral.

Sunset at a plague column on a northward extension of the town square. I can see it from the door of the caffe where I am sitting at this very moment.

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default alt textsilhouette: pigeon landing on roof edge, among many fellow pigeons
The Musical Fountain

The most successful of its kind I have seen. Complex, dancing, spacious. Kids love it and grown-ups enjoy sitting around it watching the kids or just mellowing out.

This picture from a cloudy moment is just a place holder. I got some better-lighted ones today that will go into the next (or soon) post.

More exuberant than its counterpart in Poprad, looser and less pompous than the musical fountain in Marienbad. This one got it right.

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