Mon 23.Nov.2009
á, Crete, Greece
The Ancient Minoan Palace at Knossos
complex group of ruined wall-bottomscolumned roofed porch atop ancient high foundation
close-up of drainhole in wall, another wall visible through the holeclose-up of multi-colored lichen on ancient slab
Looking up into a storm drain in the parapet wall of  a terrace.

Yikes, there is nothing to show the scale of this picture. It is not a path across the ground, but a close-up of lichen on an ancient stone slab. The center of the picture spans about a foot from side to side.

defalt alt textyet more fresh painted columns
A frustrating number of areas are closed to visitors for reasons explained or not.

At least that reduces the number of places you need to cover - or worry about missing -  in your limited visiting time.
porch with "restored" columns, pine branch overheadlooking down under an excavation shelter
It looks like the Knossos palace is still undergoing excavation. At least there are areas with temporary roofing over them, such as might shelter excavators and artifacts alike.
pine branch with conesstone stairs leading to restored porch
The site is surrounded by some sort of low-altitude pines, as well as juniper and Italian cypress.

And yes, much else that I cannot remember, let alone enumerate.
same steps, porch no longer visiblefree-standing weathered limestone rockdefalt alt text
From the very bottom of the palace complex, the top levels are not even visible.
looking from enclosed walkway toward site entrance/exitopen-siided walkway to modern street and shops
Sunnuvagun! The time tunnel is leading us back to today. Or last Saturday anyway.

And the entry/exit  walkway covered in greenery. Welcome to modern Knossos - end of the line on the city bus from Iraklio.

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