Sun 15.May.2011
Huelva, Andalucia, Spain

I thought I would take a half hour and knock out another page of photos. Two hours later, it is 1:30am and I have no idea what to say in the words part of the page, though the pix are all uploaded and laid out.
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I believe that that flyspeck in the upper left is a swallow. I've been wondering lately whether the swallows navigate partly by sonar. Their piercing shrill cries sound appropriate for such a thing. And they seem to do it near-constantly.

Some people have asked about the leaves of the acanthus I posted earlier. There are different kinds, distinguishable by their leaves. I hope this picture shows enough to be useful.

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Separate busses for women in Spain? No, it is just the name of the bus company. I take it as an acronym, but I have no idea for what, or whether it really is.

Attention pedestrian: crossing the street is obligatory.

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Full disclosure: Though most of these photos are from here in Huelva, three are from last Friday's day trip to Sevilla. They are the acanthus, the wisteria, and the fountain with the two women lying on its rim. You can't say I didn't tell you.

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Contents Copyright 2012 Jeff Bulf