Sun 15.May.2011
Huelva, Andalucia, Spain

A mixed bag of Huelva and Sevilla pictures.
First, a trio from Sevilla.
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Ornate old city, isn't it?

(OK, not Greek old, but pretty Spanish old, and downright American ancient.)

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Cathedral: Sevilla

Baby statue: Huelva.
Part of a larger sculpture of a queenly-dressed woman surrounded from below by adoring crowds.

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These are both from Huelva, including the "grow shop".

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The Tunel de Lavado turns out to be the drive-through bus wash behind the station in Huelva.

Well, they have to keep the busses clean somehow.

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At first hasty glance, this - still - looks like Morgoth's optician. I must be going borderline dyslexic in my old age.

If Morgoth means nothing to you, never mind; just take it as local color from downtown Dullsdorf, Andalucia.

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