Fri 13.May.2011
Huelva, Andalucia, Spain

We are still in Huelva, but first, a
Flashback to Sevilla
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Can anybody tell me the name of this kind of flower? My whole life I've grown up (and now out) with them without knowing what to call them.

Later: the consensus is ... acanthus. Thanks everybody who chimed in.

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The back wall of the Sevilla bus station. Are these murals authorized? Or are they freelance, and therefore officially defacement? They are a huge improvement over the blank block wall that this would be without them.

Back in Huelva
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There is somthing just slightly edgy about the statue of Columbus at the head of Huelva's major plaza. Portrayed as heroic, he also looks a bit the fanatic. He would be in place in an Eisenstein movie about some massive out-of-control social upheaval.

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Columbus is known in Spanish as Colon.

Does that say something about what they think he was full of?

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