Thu 12.May.2011
Huelva, Spain

The comfortable, boring county seat of an allegedly interesting county.
An hour by bus from Portugal to the west or Sevilla to the east, across rolling agricultural plain. Among the crops visible from the highway are groves of olive trees, marching in rank and file across the hills.
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Many buildings are in various states of crumbling. I've seen several exposed walls painted this vivid orange-yellow color.

I haven't seen any part of town that looks pre-ninteenth century, let alone Moorish or Roman. But there is a pedestrianized commercial heart of the place, where people come to shop, eat, hang out. The Plaza de Monjas most resembles a classical central square, with its trees, benches, fountain, and statue of Columbus, of which more in the next post.
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Hmm... Do you s'pose somebody in Huelva has a Pointy Haired Boss?

How did I end up here?
Originally, Huelva was to be a one-night stepping stone, to avoid arriving late afternoon in Sevilla without a clue what to do or where to stay.
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That evening, I discovered that prices for lodging in Sevilla were sky high through the weekend, because of the Feria. By the time the weekend was done, I was getting the hang of Huelva, and didn't want to pack up and move to some strange place and search for lodging again.

So here I am, going into a second week in Dullsdorf. I plan on a couple more day trips into Sevilla, if only to get The Economist, which I haven't yet found in Huelva, and because there really is more there to see and do.

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