Sat 27.Aug.2011
Düsseldorf, Germany
Düsseldorf, where the river Düssel flows into the Rhine, a little north of Cologne, just before the Rhine turns west into the Netherlands, and vanishes into a maze of little delta waterways before it ever reaches the North Sea.

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Left: it was good.

Center: Digital fast food?

No sticking up signs
No kidding! That is what the sign says.

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The Neanderthal commuter train.

All cocktails also available to go.
Jumbo size only 5.50

The Downtown Tourist Zone
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On this part of the Rhine, the cranes outnumber the egrets.

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Düsseldorf Airport
It is the reason I came here, for a flight to California.
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The sky train looks and feels like most such airport shuttles, 'cept for the lack of tracks underneath.

That is it for this round of wandering.
Hope to see you in October in Rhodes

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Prev: Last of Bratislava -- Up: Index

Contents Copyright 2012 Jeff Bulf