Fri 26.Aug.2011
Bratislava, Slovakia

A last handful of pictures from Bratislava and Vienna, just before I headed to Düsseldorf for the flight home.

First, Bratislava
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Pronounced "hernya"; it means "gambling".

And they still bingo terminally.

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A peek ahead: a spire on Mariahilferstrasse in Vienna.

Back to Bratislava and let's finish it up.

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A fellow photographer photographing the chess players.

The train to Düsseldorf departed in the evening from Vienna, so I got most of an afternoon to goof around in the big city.
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The tip of Vienna's incredibly intricate plague column, in the Graben street near St Stephen's Cathedral.

These kids are posing with Mozart. Ol' Wolfgang Amadeus is standing just above the picture on top of that big plinth behind the young ladies.

That is it for Vienna, and Bratislava too for this year. I left last Sunday evening, and spent Monday and Tuesday nights in Düsseldorf before returning to California Wednesday.

See you soon from the (former) village on the river Düssel.

Next: Düsseldorf
Prev: Short Timer in Slovakia -- Up: Index

Contents Copyright 2012 Jeff Bulf