Fri 19.Aug.2011
Bratislava, Slovakia

I am a short timer in Bratislava.
Sunday I leave on a mid-day bus, for a goof-off afternoon in Vienna before boarding an overnight train to Düsseldorf, Germany for my semi-annual flight home to California on Wednesday. Where does the time go?
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Two signs that both mean slightlly different than what they look like.

This one is a street name. I think it has something to do with for the mail.

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If you have been paying improbably close attention, you may be asking why the setting sun is in the south in this picture.

In fact, the westering sun is reflecting off some building to the south.

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Evening, westward along the Danube. The hills on the horizon are in Austria.

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Strawberry is certainly strange in Slovak, but with a little imagination grape and snickers are perfectly recognizable.

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Is that it for Bratislava for this year? Could be.
In case it is... see you all wherever the next post comes from.
Düsseldorf if time permits, just maybe Croatia if a slightly annoying root canal takes me back there.
Otherwise, October in ever-photogenic Rhodes.

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