Sat 06.Aug.2011
Bratislava, Slovakia

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Another trio from the Afternoon of Dramatic Lighting a couple of days ago.

Slovak National Theater
Primate's Palace
Both in the heart of the old town.

In this context, Primate means a major church official, not a member of our extended zoological family.

More of the grasses and reeds that line the banks of the Danube.

Wien - Agien!
Or for thems as like Chico, Vienna Again-na!
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On the distant left: the spire of St. Stephen's Cathedral

A partly much-too-cloudy afternoon in Vienna, devoted principally to the museum at Schloss Belvedere (Belvedere Palace), on a rise south of the historic center.

Why Belvedere? A major collection of Gustav Klimt. No photos allowed in there. Sorry.
Good news: I saw The Kiss and a few other works that you would recognize if you saw them. Bad news: there were fewer of his works than I expected, and not all are as interesting as the handful of famous ones. OTOH some of the other exhibits, like Renaissance-era "fake sky" ceiling decorations were breathtaking.

In the grounds of the Hofburg (the old Imperial Palace), a huge greenhouse complex. Now occupied by cafes with names like Butterfly House

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The partly clouds in Vienna were a frustration for regular pictures, but they provided a few fine silhouettes around the Burg Park.

Bratislava Again
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The doorknob of the old City Hall. Neat pictures are where you find them.

A temporary summer stage in Hviezdoslav - what a mouthful - Square.

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A popular fountain in the same square.

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Down by the River.
Late afternoon by the Danube.
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