Mon 10.Oct.2011
Rhodes, Greece

Rhodes Again
I am medically cleared, and off to begin the fourth year of these wanderings.
This round will be a pretty stationary wander; I intend to hole up here in the picturesque old city of Rhodes, with maybe occasional side trips.

Today we have new pictures of mostly familiar things, taken on my first jet-lagged day. Jeff-lagged, as a local friend dubbed it.

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Where the sun will rise in an hour or so, outside my eastern window.

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Along the harbor, which this day was chock full of Cruise ships of all sizes, shapes, liveries.

People tell me that this has summer has seen a welcome boom in tourist traffic here, as the ships are bypassing north Africa.

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The snow-white minaret of Ibrahim Pasha's mosque is as lovely as ever.

Home Base Neighborhood
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The back side of the little Church of St Fanourios.

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Our old friend, the slowly, sadly crumbling mosque of Recep Pasha.

The moon through the ruins of a gothic Christian church in the east of the old city.

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Contents Copyright 2012 Jeff Bulf