Sun 14.Jun.2020
Prague, Czechia
all images 2019

In corona-free times, mid-June would find me in Prague. as I work my way from Saxony across to Slovakia.
This year, we will fake it with pictures from last year at this time.
All of these images are new to these pages, so here goes!
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The Charles Bridge - from below, a sight in its own right. From on top, it is a major town square, with buskers, statues, benches.

Wenceslas Square, a grand place of commerce and gatherings.

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Flashback: a lake in Western Bohemia, on the route here from Germany.

A couple enjoy the bank of the Vltava river in the heart of town.
(Is Vltava hard to say? Just remember to make a vowel out of l.)

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After you have navigated Prague's mirror maze, the simplicity of these arches at the exit can be a welcome relief.

I seem to have a talent for getting fifth-floor hotel rooms in Europe.
In this one, the elevator went only as high as the fourth floor.

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We've been here before at Old Town Square

Reflections on a Shiny Tabletop
This time I lingered over a coffee and snack at one of the many tourist trap restaurants on the square. Not because I expected good food value! I was paying to savor the location and the people show. And even a forgettable tourist trap can still make a sip-able espresso macchiato.

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High on a hilltop across the river from the main town, Petřin park is home to gardens, an Eiffel-ish tower, the Prague observatory, and even a mirror maze. After the steep hike up to the park, its most welcome feature can be the funicular railway ride (not shown here) back down!

The "grotto" entrance to a different park, far from the tourist circuit, on the southern slopes of the Vinohrady neighborhood. Plenty of people here, but virtually all locals.

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The name Vinohrady means "vinyards". Nowadays, the district is residential. This slope in the same park may be a remnant of former times.

The old main entry to Prague Main Station. Today, you need to seek out this room, to appreciate if if time permits.

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Beautiful Prague's big trademark - spires!

The Tyn church provides the high point of Old Town Square. Never gets old!

The twin spires of St Ludmila's in Peace Square, glowing nicely in the late sun.

That is our break in Prague for now.
Hasta next time!

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All content copyright 2020 Jeff Bulf