Wed 24.Jun.2020
The Usual Scattering
of places
(Imagery 2019)

After a full page of Prague, here we go on another here-and-there blitz across Europe!
If I had saved up the pictures from the most recent half-dozen pages, I'd have been able to group
them into a page for each country, thus making a real travelogue out of it all.

If, schmiff! Here we go!

Ooh... the Water
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East - a fountain in Slovakia

West - a rock in the harbor in the Portuguese Azores islands.

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Afternoon sun on a fountain pool in Sevilla, Spain.

Sevilla features two styles of fountain. The European style uses tall, soaring streams of water, remeniscent of waterfalls. The Moorish style evokes the springs of a desert oasis, with low waters making a soft, gurgling sound - music to the ears of any desert culture.

The Beautiful Fountain in the main square in Nürnberg, Germany.

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What would Nürnberg be without a couple of reflection shots in the Pegnitz River, complete with a duck?

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Moving east, we stop again at the Stadtpark in Plauen.
Woods. ponds ... refreshing stuff!

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Slipping southward out of Plauen on the little single-track indy railway, into the spa country of western Bohemia.

Spa Hotel Pyramid.
I mean, that is its name!
In Františkovy Lázně, Czechia.

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Working our way eastward... by now, everybody should recognize Prague. The National Theater is a landmark at the left, beside the Vltava River.

This is as far east as we get tonight: Bratislava, Slovakia.
The river Danube swirls past a hotel boat moored here.

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June and July see temperatures soar in Bratislava, often past 100 °F. In recent years the city has placed a few of these misty arches around the Old City. A welcome treat, and a great magnet for people-watching!

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OK, I confess that I am a sucker for this little fountain near my apartment. I can only plead that I have never re-used the same shot of it.

From Bratislava Castle, you can look west, and see hills in Austria.
This shot looks east, toward the plains of Hungary. The city of Bratislava does sprawl right out to the Hungarian border, but everything you see here is Slovakia.

Fun fact: Bratislava is the only Capital in Europe that borders on two foreign countries. You heard it here!

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All content copyright 2020 Jeff Bulf