Fri 29.May.2020
Imagery Portugal, Germany, Slovakia

I have less to complain about than most of us in this time of epidemic. The Bay Area where I live was among the first places in the US to get on top of shelter-in-place and face masks. My county has only seven known active covid19 cases. My neighborhood out here in the 'burbs has low population density, wide streets, and plenty of room to walk outdoors without coming within 4-5m of other people.

For all that, it is still uncomfortable to worry about catching a deadly disease every time I go grocery shopping. My hair is getting long enough to be a nuisance, and still too short to tie back out of the way.

And of course, both my blog and my travels are making do with last year's pictures.

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Early in the season, and the Sun struggled sometimes to reach Lisbon.
I got a glimpse of it here in the Campo Grande park.

The beachside cliffs at Albufeira, on the Atlantic Ocean. The town was overrun, as usual, with vacationing Brits. It is a safe bet that they found more sun here than they had left at home.

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Mid-May in central Germany can be a season of overcast.

The quirky, historic city of Nürnberg rewards a visit.

Has any city woven a smaller river into a greater treasure?

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A long weekend in Plauen, at a classic old-style family-operated hotel.
Friendly, unpretentious, impeccably tasteful. I love that these kind of places still survive in the underrun parts of Germany.

Why did it take me until last year to discover the Plauen City Park?!? I dunno. Now I just hope that I see it again!

A soon-to-come page will deal with Prague / Czechia
For now, we pass on to Slovakia
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By the time I reach Slovakia, there is no doubt about the sun. Daytime highs are regularly in the 30's and sometimes 40's °C; call that 80's to low 100's °F.

On the edge of Bratislava, Zlaté Piesky lake is the final stop on the tram line nearest my apartment.

Lingering over an ice cream or coffee in Main Square, you may see a free music set in Summer. You can certainly watch the people show in this heavily touristed zone.

Transcending Borders
Waters are waters, whatever the country.
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All content copyright 2020 Jeff Bulf