Sat 24.Apr.2021
Cordoba, Spain
Imagery - Cordoba, Spain (2012 & 2013)

We just left highland Granada, with its ridges and canyons, and looming mountainous backdrop..
We turn to lowland Cordoba, at the head of the vast flatlands of the Guadalquivir river valley. How vast? 140+ km from Sevilla, more or less the center.
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In Roman times, the Guadalquivir was navigable up to Cordoba, and Cordoba was the capital of Roman Spain.

Cordoba was also the major capital of Moorish Spain. The Emirate (later Caliphate) of Al Andalus was ruled from here.

This modern building pays a salute to that heritage.

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The broad boulevard into town from the station appears to be two one-way streets, with a park between them.

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Ponds, palms, and eucalyptus!

Sign Spotting
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Mr. Clean goes to Spain.

A classic Fabulous Furry Freak Bros icon at a comic book store!

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Prev: Wrapping Up Granada -- Up: Table of Contents

All content copyright 2021 Jeff Bulf