Sun 02.May.2021
Images - Venice 2012 / Cordoba 2012 & 2013

We are still in Cordoba this evening, in central Andalusia.
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A Roman gate into town from the Roman bridge on the Guadalquivir River.

The rooftop lounge of a small, family-run hotel, off of the 17th-century Plaza de la Corredera.

Has it survived both austerity and covid-19? One can only hope.

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Alcazar of the Christian Kings
"served as one of the primary residences of Isabella I of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon."
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A young couple taking what looked like bridal photos. You could ask for a worse setting!

It says here "... construction was ordered by the King Alfonso XI of Castile in the year 1328, on previous constructions (the Islamic-era Umayyad Alcázar, also the previous residence of the Roman Governor)."

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A street of pop-up shops in a modern part of town. Most of the merch looked to be targeted at turistas.

And now for something completely different:
Venezia, Italia
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All content copyright 2021 Jeff Bulf