Sun 11.Apr.2021
Imagery - Granada, Spain (2012)

We pick up where we left off, in Granada, Spain.
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A cafe across the street from Granada's massive, fortress-like cathedral, on the site of the former main mosque.

Night time lights shine on the Plaza Nueva in the Spanish part of town.

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Up in the Albaycin ...

A balloon vendor strolls a back street.

Dancers celebrate holiday festivites.

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Let's finish up Granada with another pass through the Alhambra palace and gardens.
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The Moors took the Old Testament commandment against "graven images" as a ban on any and all representational art. Moorish art - like most traditional Muslim art - emphasized calligraphy...

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... and geometry!

M. C. Escher was fascinated by the tesselated art of the Alhambra. It inspired his own famous tesselations.

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The sultan had a view across the little valley to the Albaycin neighborhood.

Exit the palace through the gardens.

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All content copyright 2021 Jeff Bulf