Fri 22.Jan.2021
Images - England (2010)

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Okay, where were we now?
Hm... a waterside cafe in Bayeux?

No... we had made it to England.
How about the parish church in Axbridge, Somerset?

Somerset! That is right.
Today's adventure is the historick town of Glastonbury,
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Glastonbury Tor

This modest hill in a dead flat plain is the very big frog in a small pond.

Glastobury Tor is chock full with history, and even more with myth and legend. The history includes neolithic, iron age, and Roman settlements. For myth, we have King Arthur's Avalon, the Celtic underworld, faerie, and the modern Goddess movement. Take your pick, or mix and match.

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At the foot of the Tor, the edge of Glastonbury town - YA picturesque English country town!

The Chalice Well and Garden
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Another historic and quasi-sacred spot. By tradition, the Chalice Garden is dedicated to quiet contemplation. Low voices, slow speeds, and peaceful sounds are the order of the day.

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The subtle rhythms of a tar fit into the music of bugs and breezes.

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The Chalice Well itself is a natural spring whose water is very rich in iron oxide. Is is reputed to posess healing properties. Not for weak or damaged livers, though! (Iron is rough on livers.)

A laconic ent keeps his long, patient vigil in this mythic locale.

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Glastonbury Abbey
was one of the richest and most powerful Abbeys in England.

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When Henry VIII destroyed the Catholic Church in England, he ordered that impressive ruins be preserved of the great abbeys, as a testament to what a mighty foe he had defeated.

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All content copyright 2021 Jeff Bulf