Sat 05.Sep.2020
Imagery - Split, Croatia 2012, 2013

At least once, I have extended my stay is Split, when I was finding new stuff, and had time before I needed to be anywhere else. Now I am doing something similar. I keep finding more pictures, and it looks like way too long before I'll be going anywhere.
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When I eventually discovered the shore path and the beach it led to, I walked it three or four days in the course of a week. The right length for an exercise walk, plenty of photo ops, coffee and snacks when you get there.

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Sandwiches - a Croatian-ized word from English.

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Light and water - always looking for a picture in that combination.

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Back in town. In the Palace, in fact. The further arch is the Silver Gate - the eastern door to the outside world.

Not the palace, but nearby.
That courtyard with the pink looks Venetian to me.

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Leaving Split on the overnight ferry to Italy. I paid a couple o' bucks premium for this lounge with airplane-like seats. You know what? I don't sleep any better on ferries than on planes!

In mid-June, the Adriatic was glassy smooth sailing.

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All content copyright 2020 Jeff Bulf