Mon 24.Aug.2020
Imagery - Split, Croatia, 2008

We are still in Split, smack dab in the middle of the Adriatic coast of Croatia.
The year is still 2008, when I retired and began wandering.
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Medieval Bishop Grgur Ninski towers over the landward gate of Roman emperor Diocletian's retirement palace.

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A pizza patio in the old city. Notice all the short sleeves? Not too shabby for November in Europe. One of the joys of the Adriatic.

Day Trip to an Island
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Several islands are close enough to Split for good day tripping. The closest of the bunch is Brač.

Little did I know that the seagulls would be as entertaining as my destination. The gulls hang right off the ferry, drafting along in the boat's wind-wake.

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As the ferry approaches Brač, it also nears the coastal mountains of Dalmatia.

We actually saw a bit of Brač Harbor last time out.

Brač, like most of Dalmatia, was Venetian territory in Renaisance times. They left one of their trademark bell towers here.

Back on the the Mainland
In the Palace
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In Roman times, the south gate of the palace backed right up on the waterfront. That gate leads directly to the palace basements. Goodness knows what they held in those days - stores, supplies? Today, most of that lower level is tourist shops.

When you have run the gautlet of souvenirs in the basement, you emerge above ground in the central peristyle, the heart of any good Roman palace.

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People sit and hang out here, kids play. There are appropriate ruined columns, and even Diocletian's mausoleum, now converted to a Catholic cathedral.

Beyond the Palace Walls
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Is it the salt in the air? The ocean sunsets? Late afternoons bring the most surreal golden lighting to the waterfront in Split. The riva becomes a living Maxfield Parrish painting. Regularly, day after day. Even in early November, so I cannot claim it is due to Summer. Another joy of Split!

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The riva, Split's grand seaside promenade.

Coming up: more Split.

Next: Split 2013 - the Beach
Prev: Dubrovnik & Split -- Up: Table of Contents

All content copyright 2020 Jeff Bulf