Sun 16.Aug.2020
Imagery Dubrovnik and Split
Croatia 2008

Today's page o' pix continues where we left off, in Dubrovnik in 2008.
So... why has it taken a week and more?

I had thought to add some tidbits for my friends who are fans of the Game Of Thrones TV series. Dubrovnik provided many of the settings for Kings Landing in the show.

I went looking for info about what scenes were set where, without knowing anything about the story. One thing led to another. I have now read the first book of A Song of Ice and Fire! It is time to come up for air and finish this page.

Dubrovnik, Southern Dalmatia
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I still can't match any of my pix with TV scenes. So much for ambitious intentions.

That said, we still have a striking city here. Witness the main drag here at night.

The red roof tiles of the old city have aged over the centuries, and become multicolored.

In the early 1990s and Croatia's war of independence, Yugoslav troops besieging Dubrovnik shelled the town; now there are patches of fresh red tile amongst the mottled old roofs. From the walls, the roofs look very patchwork.

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If you only do one thing in Dubrovnik, a walk around the walls may well be the most rewarding use of your time!

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Looking down from the walls at a cafe by the old main harbor.

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According to my guide book, you can find good food value for your money almost anyplace in the old city, except this one street devoted to overpriced tourist traps. I took the book at its word, so I cannot tell you anything about any of these places.

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The old main harbor is now a small boat harbor.

This is the old Rector's Palace.

The seaward side of the city wall.

Split, Central Dalmatia
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That is the end of Dubrovnik, but not of the page.
Let's have a look ahead, up the Adriatic coast to another dazzling city - Split.

Where Dubrovnik was a unified set piece - a grand mise en scene as film people might say - Split is more of a kaleidoscope of peoples, histories, styles. Italian is a second official language here.

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The heart of town lives in and around the remains of the retirement palace of Roman Emperor Diocletian, much as a field of wildflowers might splash out of the remains of an old garden.

Coming up - more of Split!

But first ... this picture from Prague got into this set somehow.
Too late now to include it with the last round of Prague pictures, so here is is!

The Clown & Bard Hostel has a reputation - indeed legend - among arty and off-beat types. It's location in a downscale neighborhood keeps it from being too expensive, legend or no.

That said, I haven't actually slept there ... but I like the sign.

See you next time... in Split!

Next: Split 2008
Prev: Dubrovnik -- Up: Table of Contents

All content copyright 2020 Jeff Bulf