Mon 03.Aug.2020
Imagery - Dubrovnik, Croatia 2008

In my youth in the 1950s, I often read the popular San Francisco newspaper columnist Herb Caen. He was a witty observer, and an unflagging booster of "Bagdad By The Bay", i.e. San Francisco, the world's greatest city, etc. When Mr Caen was on vacation one year, his column kept appearing, datelined wherever he was at the moment, describing his travels. (Vastly more professionally than I am doing in these pages.)

Imagine my surprise, when "Mister San Francisco" said right there in print, "I am in the most beautiful city I have ever seen!", or words to that effect. I had never heard of Dubrovnik before, but I never forgot that name!
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Dubrovnik's ferry harbor is in a pleasant suburban district on a small bay north of town.

I arrived here on a cool, bright morning in early December, on the overnight ferry from Italy.

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The heart of the old city - the street / square in front of the old Rector's Palace.

The 'burbs continue aouthward along the coast through a popular seaside vacation district.

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That looks like cafe tables in winter storage. is that ledge the actual cafe in Summer?

One cool cat, perched on a cool window seat!

From the Wall Tops
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The old city walls are a major attraction. You can walk the full circuit of them, with spectacular views of the fortifications, the nearby towns, the city itself, and the beautiful coast. A fine afternoon's entrtainment!

Two Views from the Walls
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Fort Lovrijenac, commanding the entrance to Pile (PEE-leh) Harbor on the west side of the old city.
The fort's seaward walls are up to 12 m thick. By contrast, the walls facing the city are only 60 cm thick, so that if an enemy should somehow capture the fort, they and it could be demolished by cannon from Fort Bokar, the bastion in the city walls across the little harbor.

Pile Harbor itself.

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The old city from the east, across the old harbor.

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The main square at night. See the Christmas tree? Did I mention this was December?

A little niche on the seaward face of the walls. Those flat areas look well-tended - I imagine something goes on out here in the active season. In December, it is a quiet little hideaway beyond the world.

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A cold night, driving rain, alone in the old city. The wind moaning - nothing should be open. But... I hear warm live music coming from somewhere! I followed the sound to a shoebox-sized bar on the corner of a square. I peeked in the window, and the bartender-waitress beckoned me in - yes they were open! There were even about four customers. And good(!) old-style jazz music. Marko the bass player owned the bar. Frankie (guitar) and Brian (sax) keep the music up.

In Summer, they get big name acts from all over, and the bar spills out across the square.

Warm spirit on a cold night!
"In the strangest of places ..."!

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All content copyright 2020 Jeff Bulf