Thu 09.July.2020
Images - Europe 2019

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Midsummer in Slovakia! The old heart of Bratislava bubbles over with cafes, street entertainment and people - both locals and visitors.

Central European climate means icy Winters, and hot Summers.
Fortunately, the humidity is moderate enough that a misty arch feels great.

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Whimsically watching trams pass this mirrored sculpture in a square near my apartment.

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More than ten years ago, a cab brought me in from the airport for my first look at Bratislava, and set me down right here, in front of the old Slovak National Theater building.. It was the start of the nicest first impression I can remember of a new city.

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September ...
back in California, for checkups, scopes, scans, visits with friends. And the occasional big bird wandering the neighborhood.

Late September ...
a goof off day in Paris to break the long journey to Greece. A leisurely hour or so of coffee and people watching on the Place de la Contrescarpe.
Don't forget to run up to Rue Daguerre afterward, to get get a couple of frommages for the flight to Rhodes the next day!

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End of September ...
settling in to Rhodes, Greece for the Winter.
This far south, there are still weeks of Summer temperatures to go, and most of the Summer throng of vacationing humanity is still on hand.

It is always a hoot to be back in the medieval Old City. Better now than back in the days of sieges when these massive fortifications were built!

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During the medieval sieges, somebody had to hoist these massive mortar balls into their mortars, and fire them toward the besiegers. Were the balls fired into the moat? Or were they collected there afterward as part of the cleaning up?

As November rolls along, the crowds fade quickly. Soon the Old City is back to Cast Members Only, as the signs at Disneyland would say.

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Although the medieval moat is an official historical site, people use it as a leisure park. Dog parks, a theater stage, a popular route for jogging and walking... and you can't beat the historical surroundings.

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A day trip to Kalymnos island shows us that the light reflects nicely on their harbor ...

... as it does in Rhodes on a different day.

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This business closed up when the tourists left at the end of the season. The sign remained through the Winter, speaking multiple languages to nobody in particular.

Home away from home,
with a friend in the doorway.

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All content copyright 2020 Jeff Bulf