Tue 07.Jul.2020
Imagery - Europe 2019

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February ... A short visit to Florence, to say hi to a friend, and break the long trip home from Rhodes. And to enjoy a famously attractive city in a season without zillions of ... well, people like me.

The side of the duomo.

A colonnade reflected in the Arno.

April ...
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The harbor at Ponta Delgada, on Sao Miguel island in the Azores.

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Back on the Portuguese mainland, in the beach town of Albufeira.

The beach sits at the foot of cliffs, the town sits atop them. This free-standing elevator is one way to go from one to the other.

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Local color in Albufeira can have less to do with Portuguese traditions, and more with the hoards of mainly British vacationers that the town has come to depend on.

A few hours down the road by bus, we cross the small border river, and savor a reflecting pool in Sevilla, the great city of southern Spain.

It is early May now, and we have made our way to Toledo in central Spain. That hilltop town is surrounded by a loop of the Tajo river. Today, we are enjoying the nature trail through the river gorge.
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This medieval bridge connects central Toledo with the train station.

Fast forward to ...
A statue in a formal garden in Nürnberg shows what happens when you let birds choose your clothing.

This being mid-may in central Germany, the light is low overcast.

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The Altstadt has abundant fountains, to indulge my bent for ripple photos.

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Does the local river play a role in the daily lives of Nürnbergers?
Probably not. It does give me plenty of images like this office building in the heart of town.

Czechia ...
A shopping gallery in Prague features this colorful mosaic.
Nikola Tesla is a local hero in Prague. The reference here is surely to him, not the more recent automobile.

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Before moving on to Slovakia, we get a sneak preview of Rhodes, Greece.

A church complex on the edge of town>

A small boat floats in Kolonna Harbor at Rhodes Town.

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All content copyright 2020 Jeff Bulf