Mon 27.2020
Imagery 2019
Greece, Spain, Czechia

Another re-cap tonight of last season's wanderings.

Czech Land & Spain
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What do we find in a leafy residential neighborhood in the Czech capital Prague?

Ranger's not gonna like it...
Neither yoga nor its yogis are dumb on this sign.

I suppose there must be a style of yoga called Five Tibetans. Everything else on the sign is pretty obvious to an English-speaker.

All these boats!
You'd think we were in Prague on the river Vltava.
Au contraire! This is the Plaza de Espana in Sevilla, Spain.
Looks like fun, but more work than it is worth for an old guy like me!

Dodecanese Islands, Greece
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Duck season, so help me, on Kalymnos!

Also on Kalymnos, a Gallic-named cafe!

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Like most of the Docecanese islands, the dry, faded hillscapes of Kalymnos mix rugged shapes with soft colors. The land and stones are brown, but feel like soft grey when your attention slips elsewhere. It is a gentle beauty that can be lost if you try too hard to make it look exciting.

This is probably why most Greek island photos include buildings or ocean.

Was it just the low cloudy day? The main town of Symi Island seemed moister and greener than your typical Dodecanese island. Notice all the peaked pediments on the house roofs. You could almost mistake Symi for Italy, instead of Greece.

Rhodes, Greece
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Our old buddy Rhodes is by far the biggest of the Dodecanese islands.

It gets the rest of tonight's page.

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Plenty of harbors for ripple pictures...

... and these pebble streets that the Italians left here in such abundance.

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A bridge over the water, from ship to shore.
Pretty small ship, actually - I'll claim artistic license.

Let's go out tonight with a moon over Mandraki!

Kali Nichta, Everybody!

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All content copyright 2020 Jeff Bulf