Sun 08.Sep.2013
Walnut Creek, California

The homeward journey
from Bratislava, via Vienna, Switzerland and Paris.
Vienna and Switzerland got their two euro-cents' worth last post.
Today we start in Paris. There's worse, even vicariously.
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The bullet train from Basel delivers us to the Gare de Lyon with its distinctive square clock tower, and its newer glass-walled neighbors.

The distinctive church of St Etienne du Mont, strategically placed between the Pantheon and the colorful neighborhood of ...

Place de la Contrescarpe
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A wonderful spot to nurse an espresso for an hour or more of people-watching.

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Jardin de Luxembourg
As I've said before, arguably Paris' nicest park. Nice enough that the French Senate meets in the palace at the northern edge of the grounds. It is a favorite destination for my exercise walks.

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The artist Eugene Delacroix and a presumably starving mucician inhabit the Luxembourg Gardens, among many others.

A less than reassuring sight: a ring of peeling paint on the aircraft you are about to fly home in.

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Always spectacular from the air. I love to look down on Greenland, and I've no incentive at all to set foot there.

"... a land that's never green.
where there's ice and snow,
and the whale-fishes blow
and the daylight's seldom seen ..."

Doubly Surreal Weekend
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I won't even try to recount my fiftieth high school reunion! Do your own when the time comes; there is nothing like it!

On t'other hand, checking into a Major Chain Hotel for the weekend... that made me feel very much like Mr Hulot in the movie Mon Oncle, or perhaps Charlie Chaplin in Modern Times. Amused, bemused, and amiably out of my usual element.

The hotel did have a garden and fish pond that provided some fun abstract photos.

Next: Flashbacks to Bratislava
if I get them up before leaving for Greece in two weeks.

Next: A Short Flashback to Bratislava
Prev: Signs on the Road -- Up: Table of Contents

All content copyright 2013 Jeff Bulf