Thu 05.Sep.2013
Bratislava, Slovakia

I am Back in California for a few weeks, for the semi-annual Scanning of the Innards and Gathering of the Prescriptions.
Isn't old age an adventure.
The "road" home from Bratislava led through five countries including my own, producing a handful of pictures, and another of entertaining signs. The signs first...
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Bratislava, Slovakia
An old street name in Hungarian and German, neither of which is the language of Slovakia.
A mere century ago, this city belonged to the Austro-Hungarian empire. This sign in Kapucínska ulica must be an old one.

Vienna, Austria
A defunct tanning studio. At least I assume that is what a brownings studio is.

On leaving Bratislava, I had a leisurely afternoon to wander around Vienna before my night train to Switzerland, where I would visit friends before flying home from Paris. The Austrian capital proved a rich trove of signs, providing a dozen of today's photos.
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Town Town? In English?!?
It is a re-development project near the Erdberg neighborhood. I didn't see the actual project; from it's web site, it looks like an ugly blocky subsidy for some giant construction firm.

More language mangling: Hair & Mehr. Hair and More, but what would have been wrong with Haar (hair in German)? Presumably alliteration won the day over consistency.

Keinergasse sounds like "no street", but there definitely is a street at the top of this Vienna metro exit. To be fair, its name really is Keinergasse, and it still sounds to me like an oxymoron.

A small park on Weinlechnergasse in the Erdberg neighborhood of Vienna. It now bears the name of a musician who grew up on this street.
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Josef "Joe" Zawinul (1932 - 2007)
The gifted jazz pianist, keyboardist, composer, arranger and band leader from Vienna/Erdberg spent his youth on Weinlechnergasse, and launched his global career from here.

'Nuff said!

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Flaming Katy
Sidewalk board outside a flower shop.

To the memory of People's Doctor Oskar Bohr, who year after year brought healing to the poorest of the poor.

Western Vienna's great shopping street.
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Feel like calling somebody a name? Here is a list of food names to choose from.

Across the street from each other: Wine and Wurst. Both of them come with company.

The road home
I love these traditional Pub / Inn signs in the German-speaking world. This one is in Zürich, Switzerland.

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Toronto Airport
No matter how I try to interpret this, it feels uncomfortably like Soylent Green is on the way.

Frankfurt Airport
A touchscreen questionaire at the exit to the men's rest room.

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All content copyright 2013 Jeff Bulf