Sun 24.Jul.2022
Bratislava, Slovakia

Hanging out and hanging in in Bratislava.

Up on the Roof
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I'm becoming kind of fascinated by the park-like Green Roof at the new bus station. Since I took these pictures, I have discovered a kids' playground with leaping fountains, a terrace with a water slide (more kid stuff), and - most interestingly - people actually using all of this as if it were a normal part of their neighborhood.


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Smoking Zone

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Down in the Works
The atrium lobby of the bus station, looking up through two levels of shopping, and a food court.

Down Around Town
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Would any of my alcohol-capable, late night low life friends like to check out these two establishments for me?

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A new addition to the city bus hub under the New Bridge.

Traditional Slovakian Cheeses

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Goat kefir

home made indian cheese paneer
free gluten
free milk

Martians attacking the New Bridge.
If I understand an article that I sorta skimmed today, a number of bridges here have reached their design lifetime of 50 years, and some amount of "now what?" is going on.

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Main Square, in the old city.


OK, I had to look up "Renewable Solutions".

Sunset at Vienna airport.

The plane silhouette is a billboard,
attached to an overhead walkway.

Signspotting in Vienna
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This way to the throne.
A welcome sign when you need it!

German-language punnery afoot!
Hallo Wien = "Hello Vienna"!

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All content copyright 2022 Jeff Bulf