Fri 22.Jul.2022
Bratislava, Slovakia

Awwright - a page o' pix from someplace I am actually in!
Tonight - ta da - Slovakia, and its capital city, Bratislava!

Ask ten friends at random what country Bratislava is in.
Or to find Slovakia on a map.
We fly under the major tour radar in these parts. It works!
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Familiar old Bratislava

By now, everybody must recognize the old Slovak National Theater building.

The last couple of weeks have been blazingly warm, making these misty arches a welcome treat. This one is in Hviezdoslav Square (a mouthful, as ever), in front of the old National Theater.

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Less Familiar Old Bratislava

Do you need a trim?

Eyes Of The World
so to speak.

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Flat Out New-fangled Bratislava

The food court at the humongous new multi-story shopping mall where the bus station used to be. (The new bus station is in an underground level of the mall.)
Food courts everywhere have racks for your used trays, plates, etc. This is the first I've seen with staffed booths instead!

Up On The Roof
The "Green Roof" of the new bus station has wild-looking grasses, gardens, lawns, a jogging track, benches, picnic tables, and an elevator straight down to the busses. Only here have I ever deliberately arrived an hour early for my bus, so I could hang out on the roof of the station with a coffee and brunch!

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Reflective Geometry

A boat on the
Beautiful Brown Danube.

The Shape of Water!

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"Experimental Sushi"? Your guess is as good as mine.

They didn't burn witches - they burned women! This poor soul may have done nothing worse than be around when some demagogue needed a witch. She confessed under torture. R.I.P. Agatha!

"The Inqisitor's interest is not in discovering the guilty, but in burning the accused."
-- U. Eco, "The Name of the Rose"

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Horský Park
An inconveniently long bus ride from home, but worth it. My favorite excercise walk venue in Bratislava.

The Old Town is marked by pastel-colored buildings from the Habsburg era.

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Hviezdoslav Square again.

A good place for the soul on a warm afternoon.

Next: Odds & Ends in Slovensko
Prev: Pegnitz & Prague -- Up: Table of Contents

All content copyright 2022 Jeff Bulf