Sun 13.Aug.2017
Bratislava, Slovakia

OK, I missed the bus yesterday, but the train brought me to Prague just fine. Right now, I am typing in the semi-dark in a lounge one floor down from my room in a pleasant indy hotel, on a quiet leafy street in the neighborhood of Vinohrady, and griping at the motion sensors that keep turning out the lights, and not turning them back on when I wave my arms. You need to walk up or down the stairs to get light in this lounge.

I may be in Prague already, but I still have a page or two of pictures from Bratislava.
Here we go!
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The gate of Bratislava Castle.

Sunflowers are not common in the city itself, even though you can see mile after mile of them in the surrounding Danube valley. You could probably walk from Vienna to Budapest without ever being out of sight of sunflower fields.

In the Austrian parts, they inter-crop the sunflowers with wind turbines.

An afternoon in Vienna,
this time in the amusement park end of the Prater.
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Back in Bratislava for the rest of the page.
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Storm clouds looming on laundry day, out in the outer borough of Karlova Ves.

I was so captivated by this collection of old 35-mm film, in a shop window, that I do not remember what the shop itself actually does. At least I am old enough to blame it on senility instead of easy distractablity.

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Even at a shopping mall, a reflecting pool can make fun reflections.

Two paths diverge in the woods.
I have no idea which is the less travelled.
Goodness knows I have taken them both plenty of times,
if not at the same time.

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How do you tell a new tram from an old one? The old ones require you to climb up several stairs when you board. Each year there are more of the newer walk-right-in variety.

Last year, I posted a very similar shot of the newly-rebuilt Old Bridge. The bridge is still there, and it is still a fun shot, so here is this year's edition. Surely the light or something is slightly different.

As long as I keep on shooting this bridge every year, you will know that I have been careful enough to avoid being hit by a tram while I am standing between the tracks like this.

OK. Back up to my hotel room to get the wi-fi password, and upload this thing. The folks on Faceboook might also get a preview of one of today's Prague pix.

Next: Hot Times in the Old City
Prev: Bratislava Again -- Up: Table of Contents

All content copyright 2017 Jeff Bulf