Thu 14.Aug.2014
Bratislava, Slovakia

A cold, dark and drizzly Summer this year in most of Europe, certainly in Bratislava. The weeks of Phoenix-like temperature that I have grown accustomed to in past years have not happened. we haven't seen three figures Fahrenheit since I arrived in June. A couple of brief stabs at the high 90's. Today in mid-August, We are dealing with high 60's, (20°C for the Europeans).
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Even on reasonable days, the light has mostly been too hazy for great photos.

That said, the Old City is as lovely as ever, and the turistas still love to take each others' photos with the the statuary. Here we are on Main Square, with the "Frenchman" statue, and the old town hall.

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A day trip to Vienna What would Bratislava be without it?
(A standard tour package would do it the other way around.)
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Rotten Apple Cafe
The name gains something in translation. In German, it actually says Red Apple. Languages give ample room for free - even licentious - association.

A high-rise shopping mall on Mariahilferstrasse, western Vienna's great shopping street. The top two floors here are a big consumer electronics chain. Wandering through their CD department, I saw a large, if motley, assortment of jazz CDs on sale at about half the usual, inflated European price.

I must have missed some treasures, but I did acquire "essential" sets of Dave Brubeck and Fats Waller, and Weather Report's landmark album "Heavy Weather", which includes Birdland, their best-known track.

A decent day's haul! I needed to return to Vienna the following week with my (drive-less) netbook computer, so I could use a CD drive at a net cafe (on Mariahilferstrasse!) to convert my new CDs to play on my phone. I am listening to Weather Report as I type this.

Back to Bratislava
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Fly in the Buttermilk:
That isn't buttermilk that this giant fly is resting on. A disgustingly realistic, morbidly fascinating sculpture!

A color picture of a black & white scene!

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A plaza near my apartment, across the street from the Palace of Justice.

As they say at UC Santa Cruz, Fiat Slug!

A sculpture of mirrored pillars in the same plaza.

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The statue of the medieval king of Great Moravia, Svätopluk, in front of Bratislava Castle.

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A memorial of some sort outside the Blue Church, aka St. Elizabeth's. The text reads "The unborn". Does it refer to ... who knows? My local informant confirmed my translation of the inscription, but didn't know what it is about. Mothers killed in wars? Malnutrition? Birth control? Somebody is mourning somebody else; I'll give them the benefit of the doubt.

Outside my window, sunrise. Actually earthspin, but you know what I mean.

This is probably my last post from Europe for this season. I'm outta here a week from today. A night in Prague, then the long flight to San Francisco.

I'll be two months in California instead of the usual one, dealing with medical issues, which seem to come with the territory when you have 68 years.
Happy Trails, everybody!

Nexy: Flashback to Sevilla
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All content copyright 2014 Jeff Bulf