Sun 20.Jul.2014
Bratislava, Slovakia

For years now I have been griping that there is no laundromat in Bratislava. The big news this year is now there is a laundromat here! It is out in one of the outer boroughs, a tram and a bus ride from home, but it is an honest to goodness clean, bright, modern laundromat! May its tribe increase!

Meanwhile, back in the familiar Old City...
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A sign so comically out of character with the city, that I couldn't resist immortalzing it. The tourist bar zone, obviously.

On down to Hviezdoslav Square, that long strollable plaza with a mouthful of a name.

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I seem to have a talent for arriving on days when there is foofaraw going on in Hviezdoslav Square. This time, as previously, it is a craft fair of some sort.

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Gentlemen, you can't fight in here!

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How do you spell feedback in Slovak? Now we know!

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Until the last couple of days, it has been a cool, cloudy Summer here. Poor lighting for picture taking, but occasionally it makes for dramatic late light under the cloud cover.

The big news this latest week is that my friend Andrea Carlson, the jazz singer-songwriter and charming soul, visited Bratislava. Arriving as just an anonymous tourist, by her first night here, she had met people who introduced her to Slovakia's most famous jazz musician, who invited her to open for him at a sold-out performance the next night! The woman has a magic about her.
With any luck, she is in Prague by the time I am typing this. Bon voyage, Amiga!

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All content copyright 2014 Jeff Bulf