Mon 22.Jul.2013
Bratislava, Slovakia

Sunnuvagun! Seems like I am just settled in to Bratislava, and already it is little more than three weeks before my mid-august departure. Flying back to Norte Califas from Paris Orly airport, of all places. Logistically sub-optimmal, to say the least, but when you are flying on award miles, you take what you can find.
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Sign In, Sign Out
I think it has been a while since I indulged in a good round of sign spotting. Here we go.
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Betcha didn't know that Slovakian fish even have feet.

I first saw this supermarket chain in Czech Republic. They are all over there and Slovakia, but turn out to be Austrian-based. The name Billa is a contraction of the German expression Billiger Laden, or "Cheap Store".

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Studio Nela in honor of my friend Nela, who has no connection at all to this studio. The rest of the sign offers Depilation by hot wax from €5. There appears to be some overlap between beauty treatment and brute masochism.

OK, it is a washed out photo, not really showable-offable. I was entertained by the fact that even though I figured out Croatia (Chorvátsko) right away, I had to think for a moment about Montenegro. (Čierna Hora: lit.The Black Heights)

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Though it looked stranger still in Greek, Hobbit is still worth a chuckle in Slovak.

Pán Prsteňov is not a flute-playing Greek god; just Slovak for Lord of the Rings.

The book shop that holds my regular cafe is sitting on stacks of The Casual Vacancy in Slovak, which is apparently flying off the shelves at the speed of toenail growth. My two euro-cents worth for them was to get the Slovak edition of The Two Towers, which I know well enough in English to grope my way around in for amusement and practice. First impression: good translation. I have now learned both tree and beard, just because Stromobrad is Treebeard.

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Pastel colored Habsburg-era buildings around Šafarik Square.

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