Year two of this adventure, and I am starting later in the season than I intended, late October. The warmest winters in Europe are said to be in Rhodes and Crete. I liked Rhodes last April; sounds like a destination. And how do you get to Rhodes? Via Athens. Distant acropolis at nightAcropolis, framed by terrace 2x4's

The good Hotel Tempi (Odos Aiolou - Street of the Winds) put me up on the top floor this time - five floors of stairs to reach my room, via the outdoor veranda. The veranda does have a view toward the Acropolis, the major compensation of this noisy, generally unattractive and practically unavoidable city.
Looking down tree-shaded stairsStone wall covered in blossoming morning glory
When I was last in Greece, I could not tell morning glory from any other winter-bare vine. Now it is in full bloom, luxuriating over surfaces of all kinds. This sample is on a hill above Athens' University district.
Tracks curving away from an open-roofed platform.
Early in the afternoon, the Metro takes me to Piraeus, the port of Athens founded by Themistocles, architect of a famous naval victory over the Persian fleet at the nearby Bay of Salamina (Salamis).
An overnight ride on the good ship Blue Star Diagoras (That's it with the yellow smokestacks), and I am strolling the harbor's edge leading into the old town of Rhodes. lights and couchesharbor with a large shipClear shallow ocean lapping tan sand.

The more I look at the rest of these pictures, the less they really need words. I'll mention this cat sitting where he sees everything while being inconspicuous himself. If you need things said about any of the other photos here, let me know - or make up whatever you think will be surprising.
Upright tabby cat on end of ruined wallNight lights of a modern bar perched above an ancient ruin
small Athena figure in arched niche Stylized metal figure of Athena
Oh all right; this figure (Athena?) stands about 20 inches tall in a niche behind the reception desk of the hotel Domus Rodos, my home away from home for now. Innit nice?
Vistaa on old city: ruins, teres, minaret Couple silhouetted in gate of narrow old street
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big red  tropical flower Bougainvilla trellis from beneatth
Eatery  with signs: Cheese Steak (English) and Greek phonetic equivalent. Sun on modern apartment balconies
trees framing yacht harbor and distant ferry
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