Sat 25.Jun.2011
Znojmo, Moravia, Czech Republic

Still here in Znojmo, in the South Moravian Borderlands as Lonely Planet calls the region.
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I know I mentioned it a year or so ago, but the Czech name for real estate office still gives me a good chuckle.

There are not a lot of buildings here decorated with s'graffito work, but I love this one.

S'graffito - I'm sure everybody remembers this - involves selectively removing the outermost layer of facing on your wall, exposing the (usually) darker layer beneath.

In the back valleys of Switzerland, s'graffito is a high art form, used for fool-the-eye windows, gables, columns, you name it. This example is just a plain mural, but what a mural!

Day Tripping
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My excellent host Derek offered to take me for a sightseeing drive in the nearby countryside. I think he was glad for the break from working on his about-to-open pizzeria, and I enjoyed a bit of adventure and company.

The south moravian borderlands have more castles than you could shake a medieval feudal lord's booty at. We saw four (I think) in the course of a few hours leisurely drive on the back roads, through rolling farmland and fir-based woods.

Farmland? Yup. We are back in the land of corn and wheat fields. If the hills were a bit flatter, you could mistake this for southern Slovakia or eastern Austria, neither of which is far away.

Curiously, I failed to take a single picture of wheatfields or cornfields. Just woods, villages, and of course castles.

Crossing the Iron Curtain
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Our winding way wound through Austria for most of an hour. This used to be a Very Big Deal; we'd have been shot at going that way, well within recent memory.

As it was, I needed to have the border pointed out to me on the outbound crossing. Coming back, we drove through the now-unstaffed checkpoint, also without stopping.

Even tiny Austrian villages can have big ol' castles in these parts. These two pictures are taken from about the same spot in - so help me - Hardegg. (Presumably so called because you are only there for about five minutes.)

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We took a break in the (Austrian) woods while Derek spent a few minutes hunting mushrooms.

Back in Czech-land, my good host belongs to a local yacht club, based at this pier on the reservoir just outside Znojmo.

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Back in town, with random town scenes.

Finally, a surprise self-portrait.

I discovered this image while reviewing the day's pictures. I certainly didn't take it deliberately. In the days before auto-focusing cameras, it would have been pure gibberish. As it is, I can show you almost-pure gibbersih.

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