Wed 21.Apr.2010
Ptuj, Slovenia

Zadar, Croatia - Uglijan Island
passenger sitting by railing, various yachts in distance masted wooden yacht, parked with others by long breakwater
A day trip to Uglijan starts with a ferry ride. The ferry harbor is on the landward side of the little peninsula where the old city lies. Uglijan is about 6 miles off the other side of the peninsula. So we get to sail around the tip.

The photo of the Sea Organ that I posted a few days ago was taken from the ferry deck.
sturdy silver-haired man standing by rail, Uglijan island in distance shapely columns of porch rail

Okay, now we are actually on Uglijan, which, for the record, is not in the least  Yoogly at all.

rocky beach, tamarind-like trees, glimpse of tiny island off shore close-up of narroow-leafed bush
See those rocks? That is what passes for a beach in most of the Adriatic, and indeed the Mediterranean.

In fairness, at least the water is beautiful and clear. Here and all over the coast of Croatia (and Montenegro, but I digress).
row of small boats moored along concrete pier sun disk seen through edge of cloud
One frustration of a partly cloudy day with a breeze is that I can get my camera all aimed and zoomed for a (hopefully) neat photo, and the light goes away before I can actually take it.

In this case I took out my frustration on the now-hidden sun itself.

marble staue of woman leaning over fountain basin edge of tiny island, distant city of Zadar, more distant snowy mountains
small yellow flowers (daisies?) default alt text default alt text
Some random flora.

Ruins of unknown age.

It is spring here. Bright green grass and trees are bursting out everywhere. Flowers are singing out "Look at us! Take our picture." So I'm likely to be posting even more nature pictures than usual for a while.
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Here comes the ferry to take me back to Zadar.

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